Friday, June 27, 2008


Hello all

Due to the fuel prices going up, i am forced to start using my bike again. And enfact this could be the reality of my future, without a car, due to increasing cost. Which is not a prospect i relish much. For reasons like,

  • How to get a cat to regular vet visits on a bike, lots of scratching involved i fear
  • How to get shopping home, seeing as i am eating alot of canned goods at the mo, they weigh alot.
  • How to get to destinations where buses don't go, and i cant carry goods far.
  • How do i mange when i am in so much pain i simply cannot ride a bike. ( note- i really shouldn't have today as i was in alot of pain yesterday, but i have to keep trying to improve my health)

I am sure there are many things that i can add to the list in the future, this what springs to mind immediately.

And the fact that due to recent changes in my meds i have gained some unwanted weight, and the need to build up my muscles is ever present in my mind. Even though it makes my hands numb whilst riding, and very painful when i stop. And the site of me trying to walk after getting off is quite funny i must imagine, i wobble about as if drunk, as my legs go all wobbly. All not the best of side effects from exercise, but still they beat the side effects from the meds. So i will try to keep at it as much as my pain ridden bod will allow.

However, i went to get my new homelink magazine today( still new home hunting, but without many prospects) and thought 'its really not that far, i should cycle'. Anyway i have just looked it up on mulitmap and it seems i have managed 3 miles today! EEK! no wonder i am knackered now! I know to alot of people this is not that far, But for those of you that know me, this i quite an achievement.

Jane Austen

I am Marianne Dashwood!

You are Marianne Dashwood of Sense & Sensibility! You are impulsive, romantic, impatient, and perhaps a bit too brutally honest. You enjoy romantic poetry and novels, and play the pianoforte beautifully. To boot, your singing voice is captivating. You feel deeply, and love passionately.

Take the Quiz here!


Saturday, June 21, 2008


WWKIPD-World Wide Knitting In Public Day
14th June

So I am a member of the Cambridge Knitting Group, Ktog( in knitting language this means' knit together') I joined this lovely group of people just at the end of November last year, and now attend every meeting that i am able to do so. They are a very generous and diverse bunch of people from all walks of life, and i felt very at home from the start. Many of them are now firm friends and we get together outside of the knitting meetings.

Anyway... Last Saturday was WWKIPD and so we set about to show to the world, well Cambridge actually, what we do. We started off at Sew Creative in Kings Street for a couple of hours, as you can see, quite a good turn out, and free tea and cake kept us even more happy, than just our knitting. Many thanks to Janine and the team at Sew Creative for all their efforts (and fantatsic bunting!) for making this such an enjoyable event.

After a couple of hours we headed off to Parkers Piece for the Cambridge Town and Country show.

We set up camp and the picnics came out, and after lunch more knitting. The weather was just about kind to us, and a great day was had by all. Lots of new faces as well as old. And we did out bit to spread the word that knitting is not just for grannies!

Come join us if you like, this is how to find us Ktog


I was rather fed up the other day. So i rooted through all my fabric stash for little scraps in lovely bright colours. And a short while later i came up with this!
My first thought with my colour choices was ' I don't have any green'. But silly me, the garden is full of green! And it looked so lovely flapping about in the breeze.

Now all i need is some good weather, its now 2 days after the photo was taken and its not stopped raining, so i can fire up the BBQ and have some people over to enjoy my newly refurbished garden.

The overhaul is all thanks to Martin, who was very kindly volunteered by his wife Frances(he did agree to do this himself thought i hasten to add) to help get my garden back into a manageable state. A homemade lamb tagine lunch by way of a thank you was provided by moi, along with direction as to what i wanted to keep and loose. I have to say i have never seen someone garden with such vigor and determination. It now looks wonderful and is now easy to look after. Now only the front garden to be done.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Return of the eye candy

Hello All

Its been an odd week one way or another, lots of small positive things happening, and some very odd occurrences, things i couldn't explain even if i tried.

In the mean time its return of the eye candy, This time, late on a Wednesday night, hump day, rather than on a Friday. I hope you enjoy it.

I was out in the garden earlier and noticed that some of my grasses were flowering, And so here you have it, pretty and feathery.

I may have got a better shot, had the camera not run out of charge, damn it! That is being remedied as i type.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Audrey Hepburn Inspires

What follows is a wonderful poem Audrey Hepburn wrote when asked to share her "beauty tips."
It was read at her funeral years later.

As many of already know she is a massive inspiration to me and one of my heroines. And for a woman with quite a troubled life she was and inspiration to many, not just me.

For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.

For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.

For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.

For beautiful hair, let a child run his/her fingers through it once a day.

For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.

People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone.

Remember, if you ever need a helping hand,
you will find one at the end of each of your arms.

As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands;
one for helping yourself, and the other for helping others.

The last line i find very beautiful, as she did spend the later part of her life working all over the world for UNICEF.

Monday, June 02, 2008

My thoughts

Here are two poems from one of my favourite poets, Wendy Cope, a very great woman indeed.

They pretty much sum up my feelings at the moment.

Seeing you

Seeing you will make me sad.
I want to do it anyway.
We can't relive the times we had-
Seeing you will make me sad.
Perhaps, its wrong, perhaps its mad.
But we will both be dead one day.
Seeing you will make me sad.
I have to do it anyway.

Defining the problem

I cant't forgive you, Even if I could,
You wouldn't pardon me for seeing through you.
And yet i cannot cure myself of love
For what i thought you were before i knew you.